Pack dues are estimated at $65, add an additional $12 if you subscribe to BSA Life Magazine for the 2019-2020 Scouting year. These dues cover patches, rank badges, beads, totems, pins, belt loops, trophies, metals, and advancement cards that each child achieves throughout the year. These fees also go towards Pack 305’s charter fees, storage rental, the youth’s insurance through Scouts BSA, leader’s appreciation gifts, community thank you letters, decorations for pack meetings, bank fees, as well as various administrative supplies (stamps, envelopes and such) and some snacks at particular Pack meetings.We review the budget each year prior to the start of the meetings in September.
Pack 305 does not require a full head to toe Cub Scout uniform. A minimum Class A uniform would be comprised of a rank appropriate Cub Scout or Webelos shirt with all required patches (World Crest, Unit Numerals 305, and Golden Empire Council patch), a rank appropriate neckerchief, and rank appropriate neckerchief glide. Items such as a Cub Scout hat are optional and not required. It is suggested to use a large safety-pin to hold the glide onto the neckerchief to prevent losing the glide. Shirt prices are around $25.00, patches are around $9.00, and neckerchief and glide come up to around $9.00.
Class A Uniforms are expected to be worn properly and with pride. Uniforms are expected to be tucked in with a pair of navy or khaki shorts or pants and covered toe footwear (no sandals or Crocs) to all Pack sponsored events. These include, but are not limited to the following: Pack meetings, Go-See-It, Scouting-For-Food, Beach Cleanup, Scout Sunday, Blue and Gold, parades.
Uniforms, books and other scouting supplies can be purchased online at http://scoutstuff.org/ and orders will be shipped directly to you.
There is also a scout shop in Sacramento near COSTCO and Arden Way.
Scouts River City Scout Shop 251 Commerce Circle, Sacramento, CA Phone: 916.949.1800 Hours: Monday through Friday: 9:00 AM - 6:30 PM and Saturday: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Pack 305 is not handling uniform orders as it is not practical to manage and distribute individual orders. Coordinated trips during off-peak hours usually work the best.