Pack 0305's
Home Page
Welcome Letter

Cub Scout Pack 0305
(Rancho Cordova, California)
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Welcome to Pack 305

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to Cub Scout Pack 305. We are looking forward to a fun, exciting and educational year. We have a lot of wonderful family events planned for the youth and their adult partners. To help you prepare for the 2019-2020 Scouting year in Pack 305 we have put together some points of interest that should help explain some of the terminology, events, and expectations that have come to be part of Cub Scouts.

Pack Meetings

Pack Meetings are held every third Thursday of the month, unless otherwise specified. The pack meetings are at Robert J. McGarvey Elementary School on 11821 Cobble Brook Dr., Rancho Cordovaand are from 6:30 PM until 8:00 PM.  Pack Meetings are where upcoming events are announced, Rank Achievement Awards are handed out, as well as being able to purchase some special event supplies.

Pack Dues

Pack dues are estimated at $65, add an additional $12 if you subscribe to BSA Life Magazine for the 2019-2020 Scouting year. These dues cover patches, rank badges, beads, totems, pins, belt loops, trophies, metals, and advancement cards that each child achieves throughout the year. These fees also go towards Pack 305’s charter fees, storage rental, the youth’s insurance through Scouts BSA, leader’s appreciation gifts, community thank you letters, decorations for pack meetings, bank fees, as well as various administrative supplies (stamps, envelopes and such) and some snacks at particular Pack meetings.We review the budget each year prior to the start of the meetings in September.

Adult Leader Training

Training for leaders is essential to provide consistent and quality leadership for our Scouts. Adult Leadership Training helps to prepare Adult Leaders for what to expect in their Committee, Den, and Pack. Adult Leadership Training will also advise on how best to protect the youth as well as the leaders themselves. The Scouts BSA have one of the best training and literature libraries there is to be found. Some of the training can be taken online and at no fee at
Please note that all adult volunteers will need to complete the Youth Protection Training available at this site. This takes only ~125 minutes to complete and requires only common sense. Other training is done on-site at various locations and does sometimes have a fee involved. Please see the district calendar for more details. The Pack 305 website will have a listing of some of the training opportunities that are coming up as soon as we know them.

Rank Appropriate Handbook

A rank appropriate handbook will be essential for the youth to fulfill their full potential as Cub Scouts. For the youth to make rank advancements they will need to complete the requirements in their books and have each achievement signed off by their Den Leader.  The Den Leader will then report advancement milestones to the Pack Leader and achievement awards will be handed out at a following Pack Meeting. Handbook prices range from about $6.00 to about $9.00 depending on rank.

In the very near future our pack will be converting to SCOUTBOOK for reporting and tracking of rank advancement and milestones.

Cub Scout Uniforms

Pack 305 does not require a full head to toe Cub Scout uniform. A minimum Class A uniform would be comprised of a rank appropriate Cub Scout or Webelos shirt with all required patches (World Crest, Unit Numerals 305, and Golden Empire Council patch), a rank appropriate neckerchief, and rank appropriate neckerchief glide. Items such as a Cub Scout hat are optional and not required. It is suggested to use a large safety-pin to hold the glide onto the neckerchief to prevent losing the glide. Shirt prices are around $25.00, patches are around $9.00, and neckerchief and glide come up to around $9.00.

Class A Uniforms are expected to be worn properly and with pride. Uniforms are expected to be tucked in with a pair of navy or khaki shorts or pants and covered toe footwear (no sandals or Crocs) to all Pack sponsored events. These include, but are not limited to the following: Pack meetings, Go-See-It, Scouting-For-Food, Beach Cleanup, Scout Sunday, Blue and Gold, parades.

Leader Uniform

Leaders are strongly encouraged to wear uniforms whenever participating in Scouting events too. A Leader Uniform consists of a Leader Shirt, typically short sleeved, with all required patches (World Crest, Unit Numerals 305, and Golden Empire Council patch).  The neckerchief and glide are optional for leaders. Shirt prices are around $39 and patches total up to around $9.00.

How to Acquire Uniforms and Supplies

Uniforms, books and other scouting supplies can be purchased online at and orders will be shipped directly to you. 

There is also a scout shop in Sacramento near COSTCO and Arden Way.

Scouts River City Scout Shop
251 Commerce Circle,
Sacramento, CA
Phone: 916.949.1800
Hours: Monday through Friday: 9:00 AM - 6:30 PM and Saturday: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Pack 305 is not handling uniform orders as it is not practical to manage and distribute individual orders.  Coordinated trips during off-peak hours usually work the best. 

The Blue and Gold Banquet

Blue and Gold, as it is referred to serves several purposes. Blue and Gold has become synonymous with celebrating the birthday of Scouting, but it also signifies the point in which a Webelo II Scout crosses out of Cub Scouts and into Scouts BSA. This is a big achievement in a Scout’s journey and we recognize it as such. The Blue and Gold Banquet is a potluck dinner celebration that we hold in honor of the Scout’s achievements and in honor of Scouting itself.

Scout Sunday

Scout Sunday will be on the Sunday that falls February 8th and is one of the ways Pack 305 recognizes the contributions of young people and adults in Scouting, by attending a morning church service (Location TBD) in our Class A uniforms and helping greet the parishioners, handing out bulletins and ushering. After the service we will be handing out cake during Coffee Hour. We need to be at (Location TBD) for the morning service at ~9:00 AM and expect that Coffee Hour will wrap up around 11:00 AM.

Den Dues

Den dues are optional for each den and are typically established by the den as a whole. Den dues are typically used to cover the cost of crafts and possibly snack during the Den meetings.

Pinewood Derby

Pinewood Derby is probably our largest event of the year. Only Pinewood Derby kits purchased from Pack 305 will qualify to participate in these December-January events. No exceptions. For several Pack Meetings leading up to the event, kits will be available for purchase.  The top three finishers will be invited to compete against top finishers from other Packs at the district pinewood derby.    

Pack Web Site

Pack 305 has a website that is hosted at no cost to the pack by The web site is set up with both Public and Private Access and we control the content of both. Public Access is exactly that, any user that enters in the Pack’s URL will be able to see the public content. This will be limited to general information about the pack and no information about the youths will be accessible in this mode. The Private Access is only accessible with a username and password and only parents and leaders will be invited to join. Private Access allows the viewing of scheduled event information as well as information about Pack 305 and possibly some achievement information (first names only would be given). Again, this private information will only be accessible with a username and password.

Poptober Popcorn Fundraiser

The Scouts sell popcorn as an annual fund raiser. Trails End allows us to keep 30% of the popcorn sales within the pack. The money raised by the popcorn sales are divided between the youth’s individual scouting account (20%) and Pack 305 (10%). The money raised by popcorn sales offsets the Pack Dues and allows Pack 305 to provide a more enriching Scouting program for the youths.


Camping at the Cub Scout level is a family event. As Cub Scouts, the youths are not allowed to camp without parent or guardian. There are several overnight camping opportunities which are coordinated with local Scout troops and council camping events. In all Cub Scout camping events, each camper is responsible for bring all of their own camping supplies and food unless otherwise specified in advance by the camp out organizer.

Cub Scout Day Camp

Cub Scout Day Camp is a District sponsored event which is held after school releases for the summer break. Dates, times, locations and prices will be announced later during the Scouting year. Day Camp is a wonderful opportunity for the youth to earn a lot of advancement Beltloops for their collection.

Online Resources

Pack Communications and Information

Because of everybody’s busy schedules, Pack 305’s primary method of communication and dissemination of information is via the internet. We have a Pack e-mail address (via this site) that will be monitored by several of the leaders in the Pack as well as the Pack 305 website ( By having these options available to us as well as having the youth and their adult partners able to contact their Den Leaders directly, the most up to date information will be able to be relayed to you in the most efficient means possible. If a youth or adult partner does not have e-mail within the home, access to the internet and online e-mail accounts are available at no charge through the Sacramento County Library.